Weekly Update from Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen


This week was very eventful at your state capitol. Many constituent visits and committee meetings took place. Please let me know if you will be around St. Paul during session, I always have time for constituents.

Environment, Economic Development and Agriculture Committee

This week in committee, we heard numerous bills that will be considered for our bi-annual bonding proposal. Everything from regional event centers to local parks and trails are going to be considered for the bonding request.

One of my proposals, SF1760, was heard on Monday. This bill calls for funds to be appropriated for the new Parkers Prairie swimming pool. The pool presents a regional benefit and was very well received by the committee. Joining me at hearing was Jim Arvidson and Sheryl Myers as testifiers and Judy Klein, Tom Myers, Gene Payne, and Rod Helling in attendance for support.

I am optimistic that the bill will be included in the final bonding bill.


As part of the finance committee I heard a bill that would increase the state’s general reserve fund. This legislation is somewhat controversial. The DFL would like to take the states surplus and turn it into more money in the government’s pockets where as Republicans are calling for tax cuts and getting that surplus money back to the people. This shows a clear difference in priorities between the two parties.

You paid for that surplus with the over taxation of last year’s session; you should get it back.

Hot Button Issues

This week some of the more controversial bills made moves.

The “Bullying Bill,” HF826, passed out of the Education Committee after not following the standard senate protocol of allowing 3 days of notice to the public. While the DFL Majority assured us this won’t be a regular occurrence this is disheartening. Especially when you the public, demands that we co-operate in the legislature. The public suffers when this happens.

The wolf hunt, which I co-authored, and was signed into law by Governor Dayton, is under fire again. This year, a bill presented by St. Paul DFL Senator Foung Hawj which aims to stop the hunt was heard in the Environmental Policy Committee. After much discussion, including the DNR, who support the current wolf hunt, the committee failed to pass the bill. After Metro leaders had some time to get their ducks in a row they recalled the members and passed the bill.

The DFL lead “Medical Marijuana” bill was pulled from committee in the House this week after the author of the bill, Rep. Carly Melin, heard law enforcements opposition. I stand in strong opposition of legalizing ANY form of raw marijuana.

Thanks for taking the time to read my update. Feel free to contact my office at any time. I am available at 1-651-297-8063 or at Sen.Bill.Ingebrigtsen@senate.mn

Bill Ingebrigtsen
State Senator
District 8
Office Phone Number

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