The Passing of One of Our Best, Rod Grams

Minnesota lost a great leader and a principled conservative yesterday with the passing of former U.S. Senator Rod Grams. Grams served as a Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1993-94 and in the U.S. Senate from 1995-2001.

Senator Grams focused his time in Washington on the size and scope of the federal government and will be remembered for his principled stands on the issues facing Congress throughout the 1990s. But he will also be remembered for his pleasant smile and easy going demeanor that allowed him to work with people on both sides of the political spectrum for the good of Minnesota and the country.

Grams was a true friend of the Republican Party of Minnesota and never turned down a request from a candidate to help their campaign. We will miss Rod and his service to our state, and send our condolences to his wife Chris and their family.

Keith Downey, Chair
Kelly Fenton, Deputy Chair
Chris Fields, Secretary

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